
Our resource list is constantly evolving as we learn new information, so check back often. Click on each topic for a drop-down menu of resources. If you don't see a topic you're looking for or have one you'd like to recommend, please reach out to us! 


North Andover public Schools: Resource List for Families

North Andover Parent Advisory Council 

We have a lot of cross-over between our group and NAPAC. Delving into their site will be very helpful in your search for resources.

Child Mind Institute

A non-profit resource for overall mental health and learning disorders. This is a good place to start for information and guidance on various topics. Articles from this resource will be placed in their specific areas below.

Mindful Minutes

Fifth grade teacher, Kelly Roache, is also a mindfulness instructor and graciously shares with us her monthly Mindful Minutes. Click above to read the most recent.

The State of Massachusetts offers free educational resources on a variety of health topics in their Health Promotion Clearing House. Type a key word in the search bar and a variety of materials will be offered.


ADDitude Website and Magazine

This is an amazing resource for those with ADHD and other learning disabilities. It also discusses the cross-overs with anxiety, executive function and other mental health pieces. 


A non-profit that offers help and guidance for parents/caregivers, schools and ADHDers themselves. Scroll down on the home page to fill out a mad-libs type sentence that will help you easily find resources.

PTS Coaching

Cindy Goldrich, Ed. M., ADHD-CCSP of PTS Coaching is an experienced speaker, ADHD coach and recognized expert on ADHD, Executive Function, and parenting. She presented her "Top Ten Strategies for Parenting

Children & Teens with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges" to us in 2022. 

Click here to view her slides.

Click here to watch a similar presentation done by Cindy. Her piece starts at the 4:48 minute mark.


Resources from Indie Flix, the makers of Angst

Lynn Lyons

A local expert and national speaker on Anxiety. Check out her podcast FlusterClux!

Be Well With SEL

A local therapist that offers whole class and small group lessons, including anxiety, mindfulness, self esteem, anger management, self-regulation/behavioral control, friendship skills, school readiness and more. 

Child Mind Institute

A non-profit resource for overall mental health and learning disorders. Articles to common questions we've fielded are linked below:

"When Kids Refuse to Go to School." School refusal and how to get kids back in class."Should Kids Take Mental Health Days?" When taking a break is helpful, and when it's not."When to Push your Children." And when to know when you're pushing too hard."How to Help Kids that are Too Hard on Themselves." "Supporting the Emotional Needs of Kids with Learning Disabilities.""Does your Child Lack Motivation?" What this could mean.

Mental Health in Athletes with Boston Children's Hospital

This 60-minute video discusses the mental health of athletes (youth to college and beyond). While athletics has tended to have a positive effect, experts are now seeing an increase in depression, anxiety and eating disorders. 

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders: The Silent Epidemic

Click here to watch a 48-minute presentation by Dr. Michael Chiumiento, a leading expert in Eating Disorders. Hosted by NAPRN, Dr. Chiumiento discusses the different types of eating disorders, the warning signs, and how you can help those you think might be struggling with one.

ADDitude Magazine

Additude Magazine and it's website isn't just for ADHD, but also for some other disorders. You can find a lot of resources for Eating Disorders on this website as there's a strong dotted-line between the two. In fact, click here to watch and excellent video that explaining its relationship, and offers tips on how to help your son or daughter.


The Multi-service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA) is a non-profit based in New England that provides education and support for eating disorders and their underlying causes.


The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. They offer a hotline for information, and a crisis text line  24/7 for immediate support. 

Walden Behavioral Care

A facility that offers multilevel treatment for eating disorders for all ages and genders. 

ANAD Peer Support Group

This entire site, run by the Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders organization is an excellent resource. This specific link above brings you to their peer Support Group, which is very helpful as therapists are hard to find at the moment.

"Addressing Eating Disorders in Middle School and High School"

This is an easy to follow article that gives an excellent overview of what an eating disorder is.

Maudsley Parents

This is a  volunteer organization of parents who have helped their children recover from anorexia and bulimia through the use of Family-Based Treatment, also known as the Maudsley approach, an evidence-based therapy for eating disorders. 

Internet and Cell Phone Safety

North Andover has joined the Wait Until 8th movement  to empower parents to rally together and delay giving their children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade.  

Watch the interview between NAPRN and the founder of Wait Until 8th. 

Visit the Wait Until 8th website to make the pledge! The more parents that join the pledge, the stronger this movement will become! The site is also full of valuable resouces and tools to help parents navigate the technology realm.


The Anxious Generation : a book discussing how the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness.

"Why Social Media is Not Smart for Middle School Kids" by Victoria L. Dunckley, MD. An excellent article that gets behind the science of why tween/teen brains are too young for social media.

"A what age should a kid get a phone?" Experts give their advice in this article by PureWow. 

Questions about Discord? Read this article about it's dangers.


Screenagers: Watch as this series of films delves into the messy struggles over social media, video games, and academics. The film offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world.

The Social Dilemma: What are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? This documentary reveals how social media is reprogramming civilization with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.

Childhood 2.0: Watch this documentary to better understand the world children are navigating as they grow up in the digital age. Features parents and kids, as well as industry-leading experts in child safety and development, this documentary dives into the real-life issues facing kids today — including cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and more.

The Cost of Beauty: this three minute film, sponsored by Dove, quickly shows the impact of social media on beauty standards.


Your Undivided Attention: co-hosts Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin explore the unprecedented power of emerging technologies: how they fit into our lives, and how they fit into a humane future.

1BigThing: In this episode of 1BigThing, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy discusses kids' mental health challenges and how social media is making it worse. He tells Niala Boodhoo: "If we don't do something now, we are at risk of losing a generation of young people."


Boston Children's Digital Wellness Lab is a nonprofit research center seeking to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through young adulthood.

Children's Screen Time Action Network: A coalition of practitioners, educators, advocates, and parents working to promote a healthy childhood by reducing the amount of time kids spend with digital devices.

Better Screen Time: This organization helps teach parents how to worry less about technology and connect more with their kids.

Common Sense Media: This group helps teachers and students thrive in a digital world. Common Sense Media for Parents is a specific library within the site full of resources for families about device usage, media consumption, even app and show/movie reviews by age.

Center for Humane Teachnology: Together with our partners, we are dedicated to leading a comprehensive shift toward technology that strengthens our well-being.

Defend Young Minds: This group encourages and equips parents and professionals with tools to raise empowered, resilient and screen-smart kids who know how to reject pornography.

NAMS Digital Literacy "Helpful Links" for Parents Website

North Andover Middle School teacher, Mr. Sturtevant, knows your kids best and is therefore constantly updating his page with the latest information in digital literacy. This is a great place to start in your search for Internet Safety information.  

Katie Greer is an internationally known speaker on internet safety (she spoke at our school in January 2023!). Her website and social media pages are full of advise and articles. Visit her website at:


The Trevor Project provides support for the LGBTQ+ community and their parents. They offer a support hotline for a crisis situation.

PFLAG is dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. Anyone from a friend to a grandparent can reach out for support.

Parent Self-Care

Parents Helping Parents offers a Stress Line for parents and caregivers to talk about the challenges of raising children and receive support needed to help prevent a situation from escalating into a crisis. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Dr. Maureen Magauran offers a holistic approach to parenting self-care. Click here to watch her discussion (includes a two minute meditation). She spoke with our group in March 2023 to help guide parents in overcoming stress and anxiety, and to feel more calm, confident and clear. Visit her website at:

Try two different types of meditations with these links: and  

Clairvision Meditation offers free meditation classes here:

Christine Cohn, is a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and owner of Nature's Pace.  When we spend mindful time in natural environments, the soothing sounds, colors, scents and sights automatically activate our parasympathetic nervous system. This state allows our bodies and minds to rest, recover and revitalize. In nature you absorb powerful essential oils and good bacteria from plants; trees and soil bolster our immune systems, reduce stress, and release feel-good chemicals that boost our mood. Connecting with the natural world, reminds us that we are a part of something larger than ourselves; simply being in nature lights up the 

parts of our brain that are associated with love and empathy. In short, mindful time outside lends us to being healthier, happier, more compassionate human beings. 

Other guided nature walks available in North Andover:

Recommended Reading

The Nature Fix, Florence Williams

Forest Bathing - How Trees Can Help You Find Health & Happiness, Dr. Qing Li

Healing Trees - A Pocket Guide to Forest Bathing, Ben Page

School Anxiety and Refusal

Click here to watch a video by Nikki Murphy, Director of SEL for NAPS (left NAPS in 2023), as she addresses school anxiety and refusal, and offers parents and care givers advise on how to help. 

The Child Mind Institute offers a quick video and further reading to explain what school refusal is and how to help your child.

The American Academy of Pediatrics offers some advice regarding school refusal/anxiety in this hepful article: School Avoidance: Tips for Concerned Parents.

The Harvard Medical School has written a helpful article full of tips on school refusla: School refusal: When a child won’t go to school.

Teen and Tween Dating

The Elizabeth Smart Foundation is an excellent resource for those recovering from sexual assault. They are proponents of somatic therapy, which believes that imprints of the past can be transformed by having physical experiences that directly contradict the helplessness, rage and collapse that are a part of trauma, thereby regaining self-mastery.

YWCA Teen and Tween Dating Presentation

Click above to access the PowerPoint presentation given by Arelis Huertas, Director of Community Based Domestic and Sexual Violence Services at the YWCA in Northeastern Massachusetts in April of 2022. Presentation contains valuable information, including advise on how to speak with your child about dating (best to do even before they start dating), warning signs that your child is in an unhealthy relationship, how to help, and many helpful links for more information.

Below are a series of short videos that show how relationships can become unhealthy and how to spot them. Did you know that 57% of teenagers report knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, strangled or physically hurt by their partner. Beyond this, abuse doesn't have to be physical, and this number is much higher.

Behind the Post | Belittling

#ThatsNotLove campaign | Because I Love You - Delete | One Love Foundation

Speak Up! - Teen Dating Violence - Verizon HopeLine

"The Signs" Teen Dating Violence PSA

Short Film ‘Sunshine’ Raises Awareness Of Teen Dating Abuse

Teen Dating Violence PSA

Trauma and PTSD

Child Mind Institute: Trauma and Grief

The Child Mind Institute is a great starting point for trauma and grief for all ages.  

The link below discusses a specific method called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as it relates to trauma. It's a good overall view of how to help:

Trauma Focused CBT through Child Mind Institute

(Confused by CBT? Click here for a detailed explanation of it.)

Read this easy to follow article outlining the steps to take if your child has experienced a traumatic event:

Helping Child Cope After a Traumatic Event

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

This is an easy to follow fact sheet on childhood traumatic grief. Click here to visit their webpage with even more information.

The Elizabeth Smart Foundation is an excellent resource for those recovering from sexual assault. They are proponents of somatic therapy, which believes that imprints of the past can be transformed by having physical experiences that directly contradict the helplessness, rage and collapse that are a part of trauma, thereby regaining self-mastery.

Vaping and Addiction

Understanding Addiction with Anthony Sideri: click here to watch our virtual program where Anthony shares his very real story of addiction and his empowering journey to recovery. Anthony speaks to the challenges that teens face, and how their reactions lead to positive or negative consequences. An NAHS graduate himself, Anthony speaks with every class that goes through NAHS. This is a unique opportunity for parents! 

Vaping Awareness Night at NAHS: click here to watch the six-person panel event focused on the signs, health dangers, fire hazards and legal implications of vaping. Please email us if you have further questions.

Tobacco-Free Kids offers an excellent guide to talking with your kids about vaping, whether you think your child is vaping or not. Start these conversations early.

This is Quitting powered by truth® is a free, confidential, and automated texting program with information, tips, and support to help you quit. Once you sign up you’ll receive daily text messages about quitting or cutting down, including messages from other youth who have quit. How to sign up:  Text DITCHVAPE to 88709

My Life, My Quit is a free, confidential program with coaches trained to help young people by phone or text. When you sign up, you can choose options that include phone chats with a coach or online coaching.

How to sign up:  Text Start My Quit to 36072, call 1-855-891-9989, or visit

to sign up online or get more information about vaping.

Helping Teens Quit is a program offered by The American Lung Association offering advice regarding teen tobacco cessation and education. 

Worried about Secondhand Areosol from an electronic smoking device? Find information here in a 


SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

The 84 is a group of MA youth fighting the tobacco and vaping industries. Learn more about their programs, upcoming events and how you can get involved.

The Impact of E-Cigarettes on the Lung: Health information from the American Lung Association.

Is Vaping Better than Smoking?: Health informaiton fro the American Heart Association.

CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) is a program currently in use in NAMS and NAHS. "Catch my Breath" is specificaly geared toward vaping.

CDC Resources

Misc. Resources:, Smoke Free Teen

Fire Related Dangers Associated with Vapes/E-Cigarettes:

FEMA: Electronic Cigarette Fires and Explosions in the United States

FEMA: E-cigarette Fire Safety

FDA: Tips to Help Avoid Vape Battery or Fire Explosions

Please note:  The North Andover Parent Resource Network (NAPRN) does not endorse any of the resources or providers listed on the website. This website is for information and education purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as official medical or legal advice. Please consult with appropriate professionals as needed.