Events & Registration

Our goal is to hold speaker and small discussion groups several times a year. We are working with limited funds, so please consider donating. Past speaker events are listed at the bottom.


Wednesday, October 23, 7:00 pm

FREE Virtual Event

Register in the form to the right.

Join us as Anthony shares his very real story of addiction and his empowering journey to recovery. Anthony speaks to the challenges that teens face, and how their reactions lead to positive or negative consequences. An NAHS graduate himself, Anthony speaks with every class that goes through NAHS. This is a unique opportunity for parents!

A short Q&A will follow. Anonymous questions can be sent in advance to

Those registered will receive an email two days prior to the event with a link.

Special thanks to NA CAM for hosting the event in their studio.

Past Speaker Events

Events are listed in order of most recent. If an event was recorded, you will find a viewing link in the drop-down summary. Not all small discussion groups are listed below.

Sensory Nature Walk 

Tuesday, April 2, 2023

Local mom, Christine Cohne of Nature’s Pace, guided us for an hour of nature immersion on peaceful lakeside grounds. We learned the many emotional, mental and physical benefits of spending mindful time outdoors.

• When we spend mindful time in natural environments, the soothing sounds, colors, scents and awe-inspiring sights automatically activate our parasympathetic nervous system. This state allows our bodies and minds to rest, recover and revitalize. 

• In nature you absorb powerful essential oils and good bacteria from plants; trees and soil bolster our immune systems, reduce stress, and release feel-good chemicals that boost our mood. 

• Connecting with the natural world, reminds us that we are a part of something larger than ourselves; simply being in nature lights up the parts of our brain that are associated with love and empathy. In short, mindful time outside lends us to being healthier, happier, more compassionate human beings. 

As a Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Christine will lead the group through sensory engaging activities along the trails and waterfront. By intentionally slowing down and bringing attention to the present, we’ll give our overactive brains a chance to rest and recharge. The soft colors, sounds and scents will soothe our nervous systems, leaving us happier, less stressed and more alive. For more information on Nature’s Pace, please visit: 

Vaping Awareness Night

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Learn how to talk with your child, tween or teen about vaping. Click here to watch the six-person panel event focused on the signs, health dangers, fire hazards and legal implications of vaping.

Managing Stress

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Alexandra “Ali” Meeker, NAPS Psychologist for ABECC and NAHS

Long-term stress can impact our thoughts and feelings, which in turn impacts our health and body. It often makes us tired.

 Anxiety, or extreme apprehension and worry, is a normal reaction to stressful situations. In many situations, anxiety can help you!

Taking an important test: anxiety might make you study harder. Making a major life purchase: anxiety may make you more carefully consider all your options beforehand. But in some cases it becomes excessive and can cause individuals to dread everyday situations. 


Anxiety can appear different in different people. Some individuals may verbalize their feelings, while others show feelings through bodily complaints or abruptness.

Individuals can also present as oppositional. This can be related to a low frustration tolerance or fear of embarrassment. The goal is to decrease the intensity of the emotion so that you can get through a difficult situation.

The way our nervous system works, we “habituate” to sensations. Jump into a pool, at first it feels shocking and possibly cold. As time goes by, you acclimate to it and don’t notice those sensations. Similar to being exposed to things over time you acclimate to them.

Change your Inner Voice


Sleep is important for our bodies AND mental health.

Emotions are Contagious

Time Management

*Dr. John Body II (Educational Consultant/Coach)

A Guided Nature Walk for Parent Self-Care

Tuesday, April 5, 2023

Local mom, Christine Cohne of Nature’s Pace, guided us for an hour of nature immersion on peaceful lakeside grounds. We learned the many emotional, mental and physical benefits of spending mindful time outdoors.

• When we spend mindful time in natural environments, the soothing sounds, colors, scents and awe-inspiring sights automatically activate our parasympathetic nervous system. This state allows our bodies and minds to rest, recover and revitalize. 

• In nature you absorb powerful essential oils and good bacteria from plants; trees and soil bolster our immune systems, reduce stress, and release feel-good chemicals that boost our mood. 

• Connecting with the natural world, reminds us that we are a part of something larger than ourselves; simply being in nature lights up the parts of our brain that are associated with love and empathy. In short, mindful time outside lends us to being healthier, happier, more compassionate human beings. 

As a Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Christine will lead the group through sensory engaging activities along the trails and waterfront. By intentionally slowing down and bringing attention to the present, we’ll give our overactive brains a chance to rest and recharge. The soft colors, sounds and scents will soothe our nervous systems, leaving us happier, less stressed and more alive. For more information on Nature’s Pace, please visit: 

Staying Calm with Self-Care for Parents

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Local mom, Dr. Maureen Magauran, spoke with parents and offered the suggestions below:

• Pathways to feeling more calm: meditation (links below), deep breaths/breathing exercises, get physically active, or sit/walk/hike in nature.

• Know that you are not alone. Social media does NOT depict real life. Reach out to friends or groups to talk. BE REAL!

• Make time for yourself: read a book, dance to music, or sit outside and just listen. 

• Give yourself permission and make it happen on a regular basis.

• Be silly with your kids: turn on the music and dance to YOUR music with them, cook with them, and open dialog by just chatting about silly stuff.

• Make YOURSELF a priority. Lead by example and your kids will learn to do the same.

North Andover mom, Dr. Magauran, has been working with clients for over 20 years, helping them overcome stress and anxiety to feel more calm, confident and clear. She takes a holistic approach in her work, incorporating meditation, energy and somatic work, talk therapy, and more. She views each client as a whole person, and wants them to see her in the same way: as a mom to two boys, an ice hockey goalie, a lover of nature and the ocean, and more, rather than “just a doctor.” Visit her website to learn more about her.

This event was recorded. Click here to watch the video.

Internet Safety with Katie Greer

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Katie Greer is a nationally recognized speaker, and former Intelligence Analyst for the MA State Police and Director of Internet Safety for the MA Attorney General’s Office. She  explored tools and strategies for you to help your kids and teens navigate technology in a safe and productive way. Topics included:

• What does PRIVACY mean?

• Sexting 

• Cyberbullying

• How is mental health impacted? 

• Tech permanency and its DANGERS

• How to be a responsible online consumer

We teamed up with the North Andover Middle School PTAC. They provided funding for Katie to speak with the students during the school day! Visit our Resources page for helpful information from this event.

ADHD: Top Ten Strategies to Help Your Kids 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

We celebrate ADHD Awareness Month with a virtual presentation by

Cindy Goldrich, Ed. M., ADHD-CCSP of PTS Coaching.

Cindy is an experienced speaker, ADHD coach and recognized expert on ADHD, Executive Function, and parenting. She’s been featured in ADDitudeMagazine, ADHD Essentials podcast, and many other arenas. Topics discussed include:

Visit for information about her coaching and other programs.

Teen and Tween Dating 101: A Parent's Guide

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Click here to access the presentation

A 60-minute presentation by Arelis Huertas, Director of Community Based Domestic and Sexual Violence Program at the YWCA, and learn:

• Safe dating advise for your teen or tween

• How to spot a good or bad relationship

• Definition of dating violence and types of abuse

• Signs that an adolescent may be in an abusive relationship

• How to support an adolescent who may disclose 

• How to address your own concerns about an unhealthy relationship

Watch this 72 sec. video to learn just how manipulation works:

Eating Disorders: The Silent Epidemic

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Watch Video

Anxious Child • Picky Eater  • Hyper-focused on Body or Food for Athletics or Looks
Eating disorders can affect anyone – any age, any gender, anyone, and may present very differently from person to person. What sometimes can appear as a "picky eater" or "healthy eater," a person hyper focused on food or their body for any number of reasons, such as anxiety, athletics, social acceptance, academic pressure, media ideals and social media, may actually be displaying the early signs of an eating disorder. Eating disorders are no longer rare, and recently have been referenced as an epidemic within the adolescent and young adult populations.
Thankfully, with the right knowledge and tools, families, coaches and educational personnel can spot the early signs, and be one of the most effective influences in recovery. With so many well-intended and also wrong messages about what is healthy in terms of food, weight, and an individuals level of physical activity, it is even more important that we become fully informed of the facts and fictions associated with this problem.
Join us for a virtual presentation by one of the leading experts in eating disorders, Michael Chiumiento, PsyD. Dr. Chiumiento will begin with a 60-minute presentation to explain:
  • the facts and myths of eating disorders
  • the subtle and not-so-subtle warning signs
  • resources and how to get help 

He will end with a live Q&A. Questions can be sent in advance to be anonymous, or you can ask live on the presentation.

Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Angst, a 56-minute documentary, brings anxiety into the light with candid interviews of kids and teens, expert perspectives, and strategies to help reset thinking patterns, push back against anxiety and support others. This showing will be followed by a pre-filmed, panel discussion with experts.
“Everybody needs to know that anxiety disorders are real, common and treatable instead of viewing them as a personal choice or something to be ashamed of,” said Dr. Jerry Bubrick, Senior Director of Anxiety Disorders Center, Child Mind Institute. “Getting help early is crucial in giving people the tools they need to feel better. We just need to start the conversation."